Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hey everyone! I am about to go to bed and I haven't updated you all in a LONG time I just joined a Youth Group and came home from vacation at Harpers Ferry Antetiam and DC here are some pictures 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hi everyone!

Sorry its been like forever! I was really upset for the past couple weeks, but I'm better now! I had testing a couple of weeks ago. And it went amazingly! We discovered since I got on the ERT my breathing has improved over 200%!! I did a 3 minute stair climb test and did 106 steps with 30 seconds to spare! I also walked about 885 feet in 6 minutes! My parents made sure we did a bunch of fun things that weekend including going to the second annual Morquio Conference! I had an amazing time! But today's post isn't about me, its about the people who inspire me and make me who I am. My family, my family consists of My mom (Ruth), My dad (Tom), My brother (Tommy), My sister (Amanda), My Aunt Marcie, Uncle Gary, cousins Melissa and Danielle. That's all of my family who lives near me.

This is my mom, my mom is my biggest advocate and support system, she and I bond over numerous amounts of things, she and I have been to Chicago alone, San Francisco, and she is the one who takes me to Dupont weekly, I would not be who I am today without her. She and I bond over numerous things! We craft a lot together and she is the strongest person, she had breast cancer and still took care of me my mom's favorite story is that I told her that while she had cancer, I would take as good care of her as she takes care of me when I have surgery, she asked me to get her a glass of water,  I refused to.  She is 4 years in remission and I am so proud to call her my mom!  She takes such great care of me when I am recovering from surgery.

This is my daddy, I am quite a daddy's girl and mommy's girl at the same time. My dad has no clue about anything in the medical field, but he will still fight for me. He's in the printing industry and is how I got  interested in graphic design. My dad loves the Hunger Games like I do and he loves to camp! At my sweet 16 my daddy got me up to dance with him to Sixteen Candles.  He's always there when I need him, I love my dad.
This is Amanda, she is my 21 year old sister who is one of my best friends.  My cousin and I are the maids of honor in her wedding. My sister and I have shared a room for 15 years,  so we know each other inside and out. My sister is always there and helps me through life, she goes to PSU main, so I don't get  to see her all the time, but we Skype, talk on Facebook and text. Amanda thinks she is bad luck with surgeries, and of course the one time she came I had almost died, but I still love her and see her afterwards, I remember when I was 6 or 7 on Saint Patrick's Day she had convinced me there was a leprechaun in our yard and it would grant me anything I wanted, so I had said I wanted to be a princess, she made me a crown and gave me a stuffed cat of mine and treated me like a princess. 

This is Tommy, he is my 23 year old brother and in this picture he is 9. My brother is about as much of a geek as I am. He likes Harry Potter, Sherlock and the Avengers. My brother and I play video games together sometimes, when we were younger we used to play with Legos and his entire room would be covered in them. He is a writer, as I aspire to be. When he was 18 he refused to go off to college because he didn't want to miss a second of my life. When I was in my halo, he would take care of me when my home health aide couldn't come in. I remember one day I was singing and he brought down his guitar and we tried to see who could be louder, it was me.

This is my cousin Danielle, she is 22 and a nurse and Amanda's other maid of honor. She likes Harry Potter and Disney like me. She and I have a fun time when we are together, she took me to the last Harry Potter movie's midnight showing. A funny memory I have with Danielle is my 10th birthday. I got a Hannah Montana quiz book, I took one like what song are you I said to her "Dani! Guess what song I am!!"  she said "Nobody's Perfect?" Which was my favorite song. I love Danielle! 

The one who's lap I am on is Melissa, she is 25. She and I were always close but she moved to Philly for a while and I didn't see her all that much, but she's back in town!  My favorite memory is going to Hershey Chocolate World with my family, my mom asked Melissa to pick me up and out of no where I just scream "MOMMY!" and put my arms up. People looked over at her weirdly, we all just died laughing. I love Melissa and she's always good when you need a laugh.

This is my Aunt Marcie. She has been there for me even when I didn’t want her there, when I was two, Aunt Marcie wasn’t my best friend, she is now. Aunt Marcie is always the person I can count on, she takes me to retail therapy whenever I need it. I have so many memories of crazy things we’ve done, I always remember the one time we went on a shopping trip, we went up to Gettysburg, Aunt Marcie told me to call my dad and tell him we were in his favorite place.  I told him he said “Oh Aunt Marcie and Uncle Gary took you on a battle tour” and my response was “No daddy! We’re at the mall!” Or when we went up to Vermont in 2011, and all I wanted was a tart warmer, well I got an electric tart warmer that burns them with no fire, since it was Black Friday, I also came back with about 20 tarts, to my families dismay, they still aren’t all done.

The man in the white is my Uncle Gary, I love him with all my heart, I call him my big peanut and I am his little peanut. When I was little I used to call him my paparazzi!  I love my uncle, he always goes along with my Aunt and I no matter what and he is so down to earth! I love him so much!!