Thursday, June 27, 2013

American Girl

Hey Everyone!

So lately I haven't felt that inspired, until about two days ago. I was inspired by an act of kindness performed by my own class unto me. Now I am a PROUD doll collector, I have 10 American Girl Dolls, 10 Tonners, 9 Madame Alexanders, 1 Barbie and a bunch of mini dolls. Before I jump into the Story, I will show you the American Girl Dolls I have (Before the story begins)
Katherine Margaret Kitteredge (a Kit Doll from 2003)

Mikayla Anne Hopkins (a Kailey doll from 2003)

Juliana Kai Blanchard (Julie, 2008)

Malina Ruthann Birch  (Ruthie, 2008)

Rebkah Mariah Bergman (Lindsey, 2001, Hand me down)

Delilah Rose Alverez (Kaya, 2002, Hand me down)

Eleanor Rose  "Elle" Woods (MyAG #27)

Bethany Mei'lani Hamilton (MyAG #22)

Samantha Marguerite Parkington (Samantha, 1986, Hand me Down)

Now the story. so my first period Creative Writing Class from the second semester had bought me a birthday present, an American Girl Doll. They had my aid ask me which dolls I wanted, she told me that she wanted to buy her niece an American Girl Doll for her birthday, but she didn't know which one to get her because she had so many, she wanted me to show her which ones I liked, so I did. She wrote them down and starred the ones I talked about the most. On a Wednesday, she gave the list to my classmates who pooled together the 105 - 110 dollars to buy her, my teacher put the doll on his credit card and the job to deliver her went to my friend Zoli. We both had joked around that we actually hated each other, but she came over my house 2 days ago and dropped her off, I could tell what it was by the size of the box (American Girl Doll boxes are easy to tell) 
Pretty easy to tell, right?
So the second I saw the box, I got really excited, I wondered which one they got me, and I was so very excited to open it and find this beauty. 
Saige! The Girl of the year, I renamed her to be Spencer Marie Edwards, I love her she is so unique.

Thank you SO MUCH CW Period 1!!!!!

Love you all,


Saturday, June 15, 2013

A bit serious Disclaimer: I am not trying to push my beliefs on others, I just want people to know that GID exists

Hey Everyone,

Today I wasn't going to write a blog post, but I discovered a blog that interested me ( ) It is a good blog about a mom who has a gender creative son. Now I know most people don't even know this, but Transgendered people aren't just drag queens, and people who had sex changes, as the following are
Thomas Trace Beatie was born Tracy  Lehuanani LaGondino he is an author, activist and inspirational speaker about Transgender rights. he had his gender reassignment surgery in 2002, and chose to become pregnant because his wife Nancy was infertile.
Now, drag queens are men who dress  like girls (In  rather Lady Gaga-esque outfits) because they are transgender and never got to express them selves.

Now, people who are Trans aren't just adults, there is a condition called Gender Identity Disorder there is no way to diagnose it pre-natally. (See if you want to read more. ) and there are real kids with this disease, being transgendered doesn't mean you are a sick person, it means that you will be who you are if you are a boy and you want to be a girl GO AHEAD! If you are a girl and you want to be a boy that's okay too. The sex assigned at birth to a child isn't always their gender, recently I have discovered  news stories and blogs children who have gender identity disorders, and the subject interests me. Now that doesn't mean I want to be that, you can be interested in murder mysterious and not be a serial killer right? I like Harry Potter that doesn't mean I am a wizard! Its a medical diagnosis and I just needed to get word out because I HATE ignorant people, and there are people who aren't ignorant about somethings and are about others and I think those people shouldn't tell people to stop being ignorant about people who are different, I am a Catholic, I don't listen to the fact that we apparently are against many things, its a religion of love. I believe you should be who ever YOU want to be not what society wants to be, so here are some Transgendered children and their stories.  
This is the beautiful 12 year old Jazz Jennings, you would never know by her appearance, but Jazz is biologically a boy, when she was 1, instead of being interested in her boy toys, she would crawl to play with her sisters plastic shoes and Barbies, they took her to a pediatrician who diagnosed her with Gender Identity Disorder, her parents never forced her to be a boy or a girl, they waited until she was 6 and decided herself she wanted to be a girl, her parents listen to her and if she decides she wants to be a boy, her parents will let her, Jazz is a girl wholeheartedly she is very fashionable and she sews her own mermaid tales. I think Jazz is very inspiring, and many people should watch her story ( Here: ) It is so inspiring and very informative.

This is Jazz living as a boy (Note the plastic shoes)
One other girl that I recently learned about was on Katie Couric
This is Coy Mathis, she is biologically a boy, she has always been allowed to be a girl  in Elementary school, even using the girls bathroom up until December, her and her family are now raising awareness for discrimination of LGBT kids.

I'm done now, I promise the next post won't be as serious, so I shall leave you with this: 

This Blog is LGBT Friendly

Alright, now I'm done. Thanks for reading about a cause I really care about.


Disclaimer: I am not trying to push my beliefs on others, I just want people to know that GID exists and I have to use writing as my outlet, I am sorry if you disagree with me, but nobody's opinion is wrong :) 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Alright here we go

Dear readers,

So This morning I was talking to my friend Zoe, and I said I wish I could be on the Ellen show, so we came up with an idea, I am going to get a facebook page to 5,000 likes. (This one right here!) So I thought I'd share my actual story. I was born on June 6th 1997, and at age 2, I got diagnosed with mucopolysaccharidosis IV A or Morquio. My first surgery occurred when I was four years old I was almost paralyzed for life after that surgery. When I was six I had my second surgery, that straightened my knees. When I was seven I had surgery to give me hip sockets and ankles. At age 8 I had yet another knee surgery with ankles attached, then nine I had another knee surgery, eleven I had a surgery to repair my neck because I tripped over a pebble and that dislocated my cervical spine. I almost died during that surgery, my doctor accidentally screwed a screw in a major artery in my neck. When he unscrewed it, I internally bled, and I almost died. But I made a full recovery, then I had a minor knee surgery and my ankles and hips. Then at age 14, my miracle drug came along it was an infusion and it replaced the Enzyme that I am lacking. Since getting my Enzyme, I have gotten 92% percent better breathing, I also had a port placed. And ever since my second to most recent surgery, Ellen has helped me through everything. I want to go on the show to personally thank her. So if you are over 18, can you please fill out this form for me? or this one: Thank you, Love, Sarah Van Orden, 16