Monday, May 27, 2013


First off Happy Memorial Day!!!

So today, I thought I would talk about something that is important to know to understand my family. Birthdays are a pretty big deal to us, for a good reason too. My family is very important to me, you guys NEED to know that about me, sure we argue and fight as all families do, but I wouldn't be myself without my family members.We do absolutely everything together, and aside from Graduations and Christmas, birthdays are the biggest deal. The reason why is because our family has seen devastation of all sorts. Upon my diagnosis, my parents were told I might only have 20 birthdays, now with my treatment, I will have as many as anyone else. I was very close to death when I was 11 years old, I hate talking about it. But I guess it would be useful for you guys to have a post. The year after that my mom got diagnosed with Breast Cancer, so ever since then, birthdays have been a big deal. Here are some pictures from many birthdays
My sister bought me this outfit for my 15th birthday

My cousin made me this cake for my 14th birthday

A few days after my 14th birthday, my brother and I made  butterbeer from Harry Potter and a Minecraft cake. 

I invited my aide over for dinner for my 14th birthday! 

My 12th birthday! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Harry Freakin' Potter

Hello everyone!

So today I thought I would tackle a question asked of me by my creative writing teacher, one day we had a free working period, he walks over to me  and starts talking to me about what I was working on and out of seemingly nowhere he asks me "Sarah, why do you like Harry Potter so much?" I honestly didn't know why I did, I just kind of did. I told him the following story: I was 13 years old (I had absolutely hated the series at this point) when I got grounded for a bad grade in Math. I was sitting at home bored, when my 19 year old cousin came over. I was talking to her and I asked her what I should do, I didn't know what she was doing but she ran up to my brothers room, brought me the first Harry Potter book, and told me to read to at least Chapter 6 by the time she left, I got about halfway through the book. I was grounded for two weeks, but the books took me 3 weeks, so I grounded myself for an extra week. I didn't realize it then, but that was a rough time in my life. My best friend Ainsley, was diagnosed with depression, I didn't find that out until this year, but she started blocking everyone out, got a Twitter and spent more time with them, because her depression was getting worse. I was personally still recovering (Mentally) from a surgery I had 2 years prior to the reading. I had almost died, and I was appreciating life much more. I had hated the books for a long time without ever trying them. I thought reality was where I belonged, but the near death experience, made me realize, I need fantasy. I surprised myself, I was never a reader, but those three weeks had completely changed that. I was never bored after reading the first book, I was always wondering "What will the Dursley's do to Harry?" Now, I think back to fourth grade, I had this teacher, I hated his guts, and it was because his room was Harry Potter themed. Now that I read it, I think he'd be a pretty awesome teacher. I now have tons of Harry Potter things (A Poster book, A pair of HP Glasses plastic and an actual pair of glasses, two tee shirts, a stuffed animal and a Hogwarts acceptance letter) I made a bunch of amazing friends because of this series, this book series has taught me that friendship, and courage are two of the most important things a person could have. Before, I was sad and alone, but now I am always happy and know I'm never alone as long as there is a book nearby, I was incredibly inspired by the character of Luna Lovegood who taught me that its okay to be different than everyone else. Now Harry's everywhere in my life

Project in 8th grade, magazine ad for Ollivanders

Again Eight grade project, Billboard for Honeydukes

Project for 8th grade, CD Cover

Me after the Midnight premiere of the last Harry Potter  movie
"Harry Potter Hangover" as my older sister calls it.

I has tie!!

My friend went to Wizarding World of Harry Potter, despite her hatred for the series,  she brought me back my Pygmy Puff, which I named Fleur after Fleur De la Cour

My friend bought me the movies I didn't have for Christmas.
*Thank you Kenzie, I will never stop thanking you*

I love this picture!

My Harry Potter prescription glasses.

I guess all I can say now is that I strongly recommend this series, it seriously will change your life!!!

"Because I knew you, I have been Changed for good!" 
That's it I guess! Oh wait, I think I will leave you lovely people with...

Alright! Bye Guys

Sarah Anne


Birthday: 15 days!
Party: 1 month 7 days!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Milestones :)

Hey everyone!
                        It is I Sarah, I thought today I would talk about milestones! Now, for me, there have been more milestones and different milestones that people may not even think about. What inspired me to write this post is that my friend Sam just passed a milestone yesterday! She is 16! My friend Emily is passing a milestone on Monday, her 15th birthday. And in 16 days, I will also be crossing yet another milestone in my life. Now for me, I don't take life for granted, every year will bring a new milestone for me, here are a few that I am proud of!

Born on June 6th 1997!

Age 2: Diagnosed with Morquio Syndrome
Age 4: First Surgery
Age 5: I got my first two American Girl Dolls for Christmas, I am a collector even now, but thats a whole different post.

Age 6: Second Surgery

Age 7: Third Surgery, I've had 8, but these ones are the most crucial in my opinion.

Age 8: Second Trip across the company

Age 12: I visited the Grand Canyon! (Back L-R) Tommy, my dad, Amanda, (Middle) My mommy (Bottom)  Me!!!
Age 14: The Enzyme Replacement Therapy finally came! My family and I thought we'd never live to see the day!!!!!

Age 15: I got to play model for a day!

Age 15: My older sister got engaged to a wonderful guy!

Age 15: I took my first ever Creative Writing Class!!

Here's to more! Here's what I am hoping to accomplish this year and in the next couple
June 6th 2013: Turn 16!!
Age 16: Throw a huge party!!
Age 16: Get my first job
Age 16/17: Publish First book
Age 18: Graduate High School, get accepted to Millersville for Fashion,
Age 22+: Do Fashion Designing as my main career, writing on the side (If not widely successful)


Birthday: 16 days!!!
Party: 1 month 8 days!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Elle and Blair Fowler!!

Hey guys, so yesterday I posted about my dream tattoo and mentioned Elle Fowler, I thought it would be good to talk about them, I admire them and wish I could be like them.
On the Left, is Blair Fowler and on the right is Elle 

These two are the people behind Juicystar07 (Blair ) and  AllThatGlitters21 (Elle)

So I thought  you guys would be rather interested to know about these two fierce and fabulous ladies. 
This is Elle Fowler
Elle Fowler was born Lisa Sylvia Fowler, on May 25th 1988. She is the oldest of three siblings, Blair and a younger sister they refer to as "Jellybean" Elle started filming make-up videos in 2008 at age 20, and convinced Blair to join in soon there after. Elle had interned at 17, but loves YouTube, a lot. Elle loves reading, makeup, fashion, candles, her cat named Pinecone who is deaf, she loves Christmas and Halloween, and she loves to drink tea. I love her beautiful hair and her amazing personality!!

Blair Fowler

Blair was born Laura Elizabeth Fowler on April 1st 1993. She is the middle child, her older sister is Elle, and her little sister is Jellybean. She was 15 years old when she started filming makeup videos. She became home schooled once she got famous for them. She and Elle moved from Georgia, all the way out to LA when Blair turned 18. Elle and Blair have been to many award shows, and were nominated for TCA's Web Star award in 2011 and 2012, but lost both times. Blair's personality is quirky, fun and very funny. I love her personality and how she doesn't let fame get to her head.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Dream Tattoo

Ok, So I am a relatively (Ok, not relatively, I'm definitely) conservative. So this topic, was a topic I never even thought about until this year. If I could get a tattoo, what kind of tattoo would I get? I started pondering this last year, and finally I decided I would get this exact tattoo

This tattoo belongs to my favorite makeup/beauty/fashion guru/vlogger/blogger/author (Ok, my favorite author is JK Rowling, but Elle Fowler is a writer), Elle Fowler. To her, it means something else, maybe to her its just the dictionary definition Live: to continue in existence, operation, memory, etc.; last: ex: a book that lives in my memory. But it means more than that to me. I want to write with my life, I want to get it on my right hand, which I write with so its a reminder. A reminder to forget the past and move on with my future, to live everyday like its the last day I have. I want to make an impact on people, I guess that is happening already. I'm working on two children's books right now, once the first one is published, I will complete the second one.  They're both on my disease, so I'm spreading awareness and educating people. My sweet 16 is in 1 month and 11 days, so 42 days, its a charity event all the money is going to Morquio and I am asking for NO presents (Even though some of my friends insist) *cough* ZOE *cough* 

My parents are planning on getting me an iPhone, I have a case that I want really bad. 
Designed by Elle Fowler herself, she's a talented lady!

Well I should go now! Have a great afternoon everyone!!! ~ Sarah 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy May!!

Hey Guys!

So its been a full month but I just discovered a picture my friend Kianna's mom took of us while I was in San Francisco, so I thought I'd share my experience during that weekend.

This is the picture, aren't we adorable Ladies and Gents? 

So, on Saturday April  6th my mom and I arrived at HIA (Harrisburg International Airport, which is only international because one gate has flights to Canada, so another road block for my dream trip to England) at about 5:30 am!! We got on our first flight to O'Hare Airport in Chicago. I hate O'Hare with a passion because when I was 11 years old, I flew out there for a week the week after my birthday. So it was my second flight, the lady took me away from my mom and pat me down without telling me what she was doing, I was scared and cried. So that was a 2 hour flight, then we got into Chicago, got our breakfast and took off for San Francisco, that was a 5 hour flight!! So overall I was in the air for about 7 hours!! And I was only there for a weekend! So we got to San Francisco and headed straight for the Omni, got some lunch and got ready for the first night!  I wore a fabulous striped peplum dress from JCPenny's, with crochet fake TOMs (c) (Foms, if you will) from Kohls. I met a bunch of friends, including Kianna, who is basically me, but she doesn't like Harry Potter, and she loves Justin Bieber (ICK! :P ) but she's still cool! We went out for dinner to this restaurant called Buca De Peppi, apparently there is one 30 minutes from my house here in Pennsylvania, but I had never been there, my mom and I left along with other people to go back early, it was Midnight (EST) when Dinner was served! I almost fell asleep and I didn't eat I was so tired, I showered and went to bed in one of the softest bed I have ever slept in.
A side view of my outfit, with the scientist who developed it, another rep from BioMarin, Justin and Kianna (who is texting)

Day 2: I slept in until 6 (It was 9 my home time) and was on the computer for a bit, before getting ready for breakfast at 7:30, I wore a wonderful Mint Green Dress from Forever 21 with the crochet Foms again! 
The Dress, I was never seen without my Camera the whole weekend

So we had breakfast and were broken off by age Teens, Adults with MPS VI, and parents of people with Morquio, I sat next to Kianna, we had become friends very fast, just talking over dinner and stuff. They asked us "What do you like to do?" I talked about my love of writing,  reading, photography, listening to music and shopping. "How to people treat you?" I told them the truth. "How's the study treating you?" I said its awesome and I bragged about the breathing and stamina and my eyes. "What do you do during treatment?" I play on Facebook, Tumblr, read, do homework. "What are the side effects you experienced?" Fevers. Then we broke off into country, I sat next to Kianna, and the adults kept coming up with Ideas that I already had. So I was talking to Kianna, then we said goodbye, I hope I get to see everyone again! And then we were all together and this guy told us the RIGHT way to tell our story. Then we went to our hotel room, I got into my favorite Owl Shirt from Kohl's, a hot pink cami from Justice and Capri's from Old Navy,with a fuzzy purple sweatshirt from Kohl's and my fake TOMS, we met our family and went out. We went to Lombard Street, The Golden Gate Bridge, and Fisherman's Warf, it was a lot to see in one day, but it was so much fun!! I had a fabulous time! 
My outfit for touring