Monday, May 27, 2013


First off Happy Memorial Day!!!

So today, I thought I would talk about something that is important to know to understand my family. Birthdays are a pretty big deal to us, for a good reason too. My family is very important to me, you guys NEED to know that about me, sure we argue and fight as all families do, but I wouldn't be myself without my family members.We do absolutely everything together, and aside from Graduations and Christmas, birthdays are the biggest deal. The reason why is because our family has seen devastation of all sorts. Upon my diagnosis, my parents were told I might only have 20 birthdays, now with my treatment, I will have as many as anyone else. I was very close to death when I was 11 years old, I hate talking about it. But I guess it would be useful for you guys to have a post. The year after that my mom got diagnosed with Breast Cancer, so ever since then, birthdays have been a big deal. Here are some pictures from many birthdays
My sister bought me this outfit for my 15th birthday

My cousin made me this cake for my 14th birthday

A few days after my 14th birthday, my brother and I made  butterbeer from Harry Potter and a Minecraft cake. 

I invited my aide over for dinner for my 14th birthday! 

My 12th birthday! 

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