Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Health vs Sickness?

Hey everyone!

Its Sarah! I am in my last day of class today, and then I have 2 days of finals and I am officially a Senior!! WOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyway, I was in health today, taking my final for in here and I came  upon a question True or False, being healthy means you are not ill or prone to illness? And I looked at it for a second and had another question pop into my head. What does healthy mean? What does sick mean?  So according to dictionary.com (Great resource for logophiles like myself) health means: the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health.
soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to have one's health; to lose one's health. 
So according to the second definition, I am unhealthy, so according to dictionary.com sick means 1.afflicted with ill health or disease; ailing.
affected with nausea; inclined to vomit.
deeply affected with some unpleasant feeling, as of sorrow, disgust, or boredom: sick at heart; to be sick of parties.
mentally, morally, or emotionally deranged, corrupt, or unsound: a sick mind; wild statements that made him seem sick.
characteristic of a sick mind: sick fancies. 

So I fit one definition of health (1) and one definition of sick (1). Am I healthy? Am I sick? What does my disability mean? And I would fit all definitions for health, if it weren't for the word "disease". Are people who have a physical disabilities unhealthy and sick? Or are they all healthy in their own right? These are the questions I find myself puzzled by... Or for another thought, since people with disabilities are different from their peers, should they all be in the same health class that is adapted for average people? 

Well I should get going, I have to head to English soon

TTFN, Tata for now!!! 


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