Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cyberbullying (Warning: Curse and Offensive Words ahead)

Hey everyone,

Normally, I want this blog to be full of happy things, but what happened needs to be out there, and writing helps me to move on. So Friday into Saturday, was one of the worst times I was ever cyberbullied, and I know that if you are on my personal Facebook, you've only heard one thing about it, the worst thing they could call me, a "Lopsided Retarded Bitch" but there is way more to this story.

I was relaxing with my parents, watching TV before heading to bed, and all of the sudden, my phone started freaking out and lighting up. I ignored it until around 10:45 when we decided it was time to go to bed. They first commented, mentioning their friend on my selfie with my new phone "Is this a joke?" and immediately "idk ;/" so my friends thought they were talking about my appearance and came to my defense, thank you again to those who did, and then the people started getting defensive and started calling my friends horrible names like whore, cunt, trashbag. I came in and I started getting mad, I'm fine if you hurt me and are mean to me but the second you bring my friends into it, I get mad. So then as I was defending my friends I was told to kill myself, I defended them and got back "i didn't ask for a  speech bitch I asked for your funeral date and time" then an innocent person who was defending me got told "Go Roll ya wheelchair in traffic. You ugly retarded whore" that same person was told "God hates you and your deformed friends. Kill yourself before your disease does you albino bitch" I got called a "sobber mouth retarded bitch" for defending my friends.

I was also called a "slow ass retarded cripple bitch" "stupid monkey looking bitch" and then my friends were told it was their fault this happened because they "assumed" and tried to help me.

Needless to say, I was devestated by these people, I cried, and stayed up until 2am trying to report and delete everything they said mean, even the screenshots they posted were deleted and reported, I blocked and reported them and I made my own instagram private, I hope this never happens to anyone else ever again. You see those movies about cyberbullying, but its not like that, for most incidents its not someone you know, its a complete stranger.

~ Sarah

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