Monday, April 6, 2015

Senior Year

Hello Lovely Readers,

Have I really not blogged since the Fourth of July? Wow! Well if the title does not make it obvious, Senior Year has kept me busy! 

        I will be graduating in little under 2 months and my 18th birthday is 2 months from today. It's funny, but I think the past couple months have matured me in ways that I don't even understand, I'm still the same person, but as I sit in the library and write this post with a friend nearby, I hear a tenth grader complaining to her teacher about how difficult her term paper is, and I sit there remembering that was me 2 short years ago, I was writing a paper on Harry Potter vs. Christianity, and now I sit here thinking "It's only difficult because you made it that way" and I sit here listening to some of the immaturity that one hears in a high school setting and it irritates me, how can people be so thankless? We have an opportunity that most people don't, you should relish in that, not complain. Instead of being friends with most people in my grade, I have 2 or 3 (depending on the day) really good friends in my grade, 2 really good friends who are Juniors (Yes, Emily D. you are one of them) 1 really good friend who is a Sophomore, and no Freshman. 

       A lot of people think this is a sad fact, but, I will NOT miss high school, I won't miss the people who are in my class, I won't miss drama, however I will miss teachers, I think I get along with teachers better than I get along with people my age. 

In the fall hopefully I will be attending Penn State World campus to major in Social Work, I love helping people, I love kids, so why don't I combine the two and create the best job for me. Now, on the flip side, my Senior Prom is this Friday (!!!!!!!!!!!) and I thought I would show everyone my dress (so far, picking it up on Tuesday) and what I'm thinking for my hair.
Yet again I designed my dress and got it custom made for me

Hair, Maisie Williams is from a brilliant TV show (Game of Thrones) and I LOVE her hair!

And now it's nearing the end of my class period, so soon I will have to go to lunch. I am going to try to blog at least once a week from here until the beginning of my first semester of college. I'll talk to you all next week! 

Much Love,


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