Friday, July 4, 2014

I LOVE America!

Hello Dear Readers!

So Happy 4th for my American Readers and if you are not American, happy Friday! So if you can't tell by the name, I LOVE my country and have a huge sense of pride in it! So here are pictues of me and my family going to some of the greatest places in this country
When I was 12, my family and I went on a HUGE trip out west, we went to Arches National Park

Zion National Park

The Grand Canyon!

Bryce Canyon (Not pictured, Mesa Verde)

When I was 13, we went to Jamestown!


And Williamsburg!

 I tried colonial hot cocoa, it was just melted semisweet chocolate, gross!

Goofing off at Jamestown Fort

When I was 14, we went Northwest! To Yellowstone!

And got soaked by a geyser that only went off every couple of years, later in the trip we got recognized as "that family that smelled like Sulfur!"

Grand Tetons! 

Absolutely gorgeous

Even right in my backyard! I grew up going to Gettysburg! 

Valley Forge! 

If you don't know, Valley Forge is where the revolutionary American soldiers lived before crossing the Delaware

At age 16 my family and I went to Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the Civil War took place there, thousands died in one day! 

Harper's Ferry (Took this picture in John Brown's wax museum, which was very shady) 
The White house with (L-R) My dad, my older brother (Tommy), my brother in law (Brandon), my older sister (Amanda), my mom and me (Not pictured) my Aunt Marcie and Uncle Gary.

In October, I spoke at the FDA in Silver Springs Maryland

These are in the harbor in Baltimore

And on Wednesday, I went to Fort McHenry.

I guess these ladies were volunteers, I would not want to be them! (ironically, this is my dream job..)

Inside a prisoner cell

From the Fort Wall

Francis Scott Key Bridge! Crosses right over where he was when he started writing our national anthem

Original poetry by Francis Scott Key

What the telescope he looked through looked like

His desk supplies

Portable desk

Here I am at the fort (Sideways)

Right after this was taken, a cannon went  off and I literally jumped into my mom's arms

Merchant Marines ship!!

I have seen a lot of this country, 43 of the states actually! I'm proud to be an American and be free

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